During the hard is where I found my strength! The hard place was my saving GRACE. Thank you Lord for the rebuild. This picture was taken in Kalispell Montana over 16 years ago. I was a emotionally and physically broken widow who just had major surgery. I was going through the motions of only existing and trying to mask my pain. I remember the thought of leaving my home and concerns of my health was a factor. I asked my doctor for permission to travel. His words, “Yes, but rest and do nothing.” In that hard place I discovered a new me. A new me that was capable of making a decision to live again. You may be in your “hard” right now. Possibly you’re feeling lost, confused, overwhelmed, and left out. Today my prayer is that your hard place uncovers your strength that was always there. I pray you pick up what appears to be hard and lean inward on GOD. (Philippians 4:13) I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Don’t give up!
Perfect timing. Beautiful and serene pix